Highscores are live for Mousegun on Steam. If you haven’t updated the game in awhile, open up steam to get your highscore on the leaderboard!
Got a slick new logo for Silver Medal Games!
Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming game projects.
Highscores are live for Mousegun on Steam. If you haven’t updated the game in awhile, open up steam to get your highscore on the leaderboard!
Got a slick new logo for Silver Medal Games!
Stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming game projects.
After considerable feedback about Escape: Mouse Gun’s name, Silvermedal is proud to announce the updated title:
MOUSEGUN. It is short, sweet, and to the point. People were confused assuming Escape was an “escape room” type game.
Over the next few weeks we will be rebranding the game and all marketing material to reflect the new name.
Three o’clock PDT, Friday, September 20th, ESCAPE: MOUSE GUN was released on STEAM!
Check the game out and leave a review. Thanks!
Mousegun is now in Beta on ITCH.IO, try it now!